Hattie Oates Paints a Fearless Love Story in ‘You Could Love Me Back’

Hattie Oates

Hailing from Sydney, Australia, Hattie Oates releases her single, “You Could Love Me Back”. Hattie is making waves in the music industry and establishing herself as one to watch out for thanks to her compelling storytelling and passionate vocal delivery that appeals to both the heart and the mind.

Hattie Oates recalls writing her song, “You Could Love Me Back”, early last year in Sydney with one of her favourite co-writers/producers, Liam Quinn. “It was our second session together, and we wanted to try something a bit more down-tempo and heartfelt. I had typed the first verse in my notes that morning, so once we’d settled on some chords, it all clicked into place fairly quickly; we were done in a few hours. I remember listening back to it on the drive home and thinking… ‘omg, this needs to be in a movie scene!’ I felt like it held a sort of cinematic emotion; I may have cried a little haha!”

Hattie Oates explores themes of vulnerability and falling in love. As her explanation goes: “I have never fallen in love, and frankly, it scares me, so I keep it at a distance. I’m trying to learn how to be more vulnerable in many areas of my life, and I guess writing this song is at least one step in the right direction! I also seem to write about dreaming a lot; clearly, I’m not satisfied with reality haha! So I wanted to write a song about allowing myself to fall for someone, not thinking about whether it’s going to be a ‘mistake,’ or end in an absolute ‘car crash’ of a ‘heartache,’ but at least be open to feeling something, even if it hurts. Given that I haven’t experienced love first-hand, I guess this is what I imagine it could feel like. And when the day comes that I do fall in L.O.V.E, anyone who listens to my music will be the first to hear how that goes…”

Hattie Oates

“You Could Love Me Back” showcases Oates’s growth as an artist. Beginning with a gentle piano introduction that sets a contemplative and vulnerable atmosphere, Hattie enters with soft yet emotive vocals as she navigates her feelings around being afraid to fall in love again. Hattie’s captivating storytelling lyricism draws listeners in as the narrative unravels from beginning to end – taking us all deeper inside their struggles as they identify with Hattie and Hattie’s narrative journey of insecurity themselves.

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As the song progresses, layers of vocals add depth and dimension to its emotional landscape. Oates’s haunting vocals soar above lush arrangements, driving rhythms then give way and propel forward this stirring tune with urgency and passion.

“You Could Love Me Back” stands out for its dynamic range. From spacious yet emotive moments dominated by Hattie’s vocals to catchy choruses with driving beats that demand your attention, its dynamic range keeps the listener engaged throughout – mirroring perfectly Hattie’s emotional narrative in lyrics and tune.

Hattie Oates’ song “You Could Love Me Back” showcases her talent as a singer-songwriter. Combining emotive vocals, catchy melodies, and captivating narrative lyrics into one captivating listening experience makes this track must-listen material. Capturing fear and vulnerability in love in such an accessible yet emotionally moving fashion makes “You Could Love Me Back” one of Hattie Oates’ signature tracks and sure-fire way of captivating audiences worldwide with powerful storytelling ability and unparalleled vocal talent is not one you want to miss.

You can find more of Hattie Oates at:


You can listen to ‘You Could Love Me Back’ below:

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