Abby London Unplugs From The Everyday With Single, ‘Off The Grid’


Based in Seattle, United States, pop artist, Abby London creates a sound that moves between the mischievous and witty in her political parodies to the heartfelt and honest deep diving pop self-reflections.

In 2018, Abby’s personal struggles with addiction ended as her self-produced multimedia show sold out. Since that time she has produced an array of singles, as well as three multimedia shows consisting of costume changes, dancing, acting, videos, props, special guests, and hilarious political commentary.

The latest single from Abby London, ‘Off The Grid’ challenges the very life that our society has become so wrapped up in.. the busy-ness.. the technology.. the constant worry.

“Have you ever gotten tired of any of the following… being bombarded with advertisements, being constantly tied to your tech devices, having to pay fees, fines, licenses, for parking, feeling beholden to your phone, having the bad news of the media zap your energy, or worried about a neighbor turning you in for a building code violation. 

Have you wondering what life would be like if you grew all your own food, had your own water source, fished and hunted, had a composting toilet, didn’t have a huge bin of trash every week. 

Have you thought what it would be like to live away from people or in a small community where everyone worked together and had special skills to offer, there was no television, no internet, only books and paper and pencils.

What would it be like to raise children in an environment they could learn real history without indoctrination, everyone was equal, no one was told they couldn’t accomplish something because of the color of their skin, kids would play outside all day until it got dark, children weren’t sexualized or groomed, if there was a bad adult they would be banished.

Would you like to throw away all your devices so no one could get ahold of you, so you wouldn’t feel the pressure to answer an email or a text at all hours, so you didn’t have neck pain or carpal tunnel from typing so much?

Would you like to be free from the mainstream media, big tech, and the governments lies? Unentangled from wires and rules and regulations, not tracked everywhere you go and everything you do and buy.  To have artificial intelligence listening to you? What if you made everything you owned yourself and never used slave labor?

How about if you weren’t looked down upon for “conspiracy theories” that turn out to be true. Everyone in your circle just knew what the truth was and weren’t afraid of it. Relationships were deep, real, meaningful.” Abby London

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‘Off The Grid’ allows listeners to dream of a life that is different.. to unplug and live a life without stress and worry and without the feeling of being watched or listened to.

Combining pop sensibilities and inner reflection with the signature comedy and quirky personality of Abby London, ‘Off The Grid’ brings a message that so much of society needs to hear.

We can’t wait to hear what’s next from Abby London.

You can find more of Abby London at:


You can listen to ‘Off The Grid’ below:

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