Stephanie Heitz Finds Joy With EP Release, ‘Covered By The Shadow’


We are joined by US based R&B artist, Stephanie Heitz as she shares all about her EP release, ‘Covered By The Shadow’.

Stephanie’s musical journey began as a child, inspired by her grandmother, Mimi, who was a jazz musician.. She would spend her time with her grandmother harmonising to the tunes of classic songs.

The musical seed planted in her musical childhood, developed over the years, as Stephanie would sing in her church, leading worship in services.

Today, throughout Stephanie Heitz’ music, you will hear lyrics inspired by her strong Christian beliefs, and filled with a sense of positivity and joy.

“My ultimate goal is to help people realize just how valuable they are!” Stephanie Heitz

Stephanie Heitz latest four track EP release, ‘Covered By The Shadow’ is deeply introspective and was inspired by a reflection on a particularly challenging time in Stephanie’s life.

Each track is filled with Stephanie’s powerful vocals and faith driven lyrics that lead you towards a sense of finding the end of the tunnel after a difficult journey.

Listening through the EP, you are sure to be inspired and motivated to live your best life, as you find your own journey towards joy.

You can listen to ‘Covered By The Shadow’ below:

Tell us a little about who you are in everyday life?

When I’m not in my music room creating, I might be out on an adventurous date with my husband or simply hanging out with my kids.

They are truly my greatest supporters.

I’ve put my degree in Speech Communication to good use as a voiceover artist for TV & radio.

I really enjoy encouraging people in life, so it’s not uncommon to find me around town meeting up with friends in coffee shops.

I’ve taken my passion of encouraging others a step further by serving as a birthing doula.

I find great joy in cheering couples on as they bring new life into the world.

There aren’t many dull moments in the life I’m living!

What was it that first got you into music?

Music is definitely in my blood.

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Some of my earliest memories involve sitting at my jazz musician grandmother’s piano bench, listening to her play and harmonizing to the classics.

I believe this early influence sparked a love in my heart for all sorts of music.

Your music and social media page are filled with so much positivity and joy. Would you like to share a little about your outlook on life?

I’m so glad you asked!

I truly believe that joy is a choice each and every day.

My faith in God plays the most important role in my positive outlook. I start my day with gratitude, do my best to be present in each moment, and try to approach my circumstances with a positive perspective.

How would you describe the feel of your music?

Many of the songs I’ve written are from my own personal story.

I’m all about lyrics that are honest, vulnerable, and transparent.

If something I’ve gone through in my own journey can inspire or encourage another person, then my mission has been accomplished.

My music has a lot of soul.. I even created a new genre I like to call, “Faith-Infused Soul Music!”

You just released your new EP, “Covered By the Shadow.” Tell us a little about how this came about?

I actually wrote all four of these songs a couple of years ago during a challenging season in my life.

Because the underlying message is all about hope, the timing seemed just right to release them during the pandemic.

I worked remotely on this project with a talented producer from London who really seemed to understand my

What do the tracks on “Covered By the Shadow” mean to you?

These songs all share a common theme of finding joy, peace, purpose, and hope in God.

The lyrics are the overflow of my heart and I pray that all who listen will feel seen, valued, and encouraged.

What is your creative process like?

Creativity can strike at any given time of the day for me.

I always make sure my phone is close at hand, so I can quickly record melodies, choruses, and catchy hooks as they hit me.

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I then head into my music room and come up with a simple arrangement on the keyboard before sending a demo to my producer for further development.

Has there been anything along the release process that you would do differently?

My absolute favorite producer just so happens to live right in my own community.

His gifts are extraordinary and his background is in R&B and jazz music.

He was taking a hiatus after becoming a new father, so working with him on this project wasn’t an option.

Working remotely can definitely be a bit challenging, but I’m still very pleased with how this project came together.

What would success in your music look like to you?

I honestly didn’t even realize I was a songwriter until about five years ago!

I thought I was simply jotting down my deepest thoughts in a journal, but many of these reflections, prayers, and poems turned into song lyrics.

Success to me is knowing people feel a sense of hope in the message of my music.

If they forget my name, but remember my message, then I’ve truly succeeded!

Is there any message that you would like to share with your audience?

I often use the hashtag #musicwithamessage because my greatest desire is that people will walk away
feeling uplifted, inspired, and encouraged after listening to my message of hope.

Where can people go to find your music?

You can find my music on all of the major streaming platforms and you can witness my creative process unfolding on my social media platforms.

I have a regular feature I call, “New Music Monday” in which I share snippets of new material I’ve been writing each week.

This holds me accountable to keep the creativity flowing freely!

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