Sometimes, music can mean so much more than just a melody or a catchy chorus but even a lifeline, reassuring moments amidst chaos in our lives. ‘My Dearest Friends’ by Reid Anderson feels just like that—kinds of songs you turn on when you need reminding of love and support being close to hand, even as the modern world shoots off into overdrive.
From the very first moment of the track, there is room for spaciousness or calm from the minute arrangement. Promised soft acoustic guitar strums, combined with delicate strings, set an almost comforting tone that lets you breathe. Anderson’s always-captivating vocals glide with quiet power over this simple, yet lush, soundscape. There is nothing overproduced here, just pure emotion so laboriously layered and crafted to let each word and note sink deeply.
‘My Dearest Friends’ is, at its core, a record about connection: Reid reminds of the permanent presence of love, friendship, and support. His lyrics speak to the listener like a soft conversation with an old friend. “I’ll be a part of all you see,” he sings, offering a sense of comfort that feels timeless and sincere.

‘My Dearest Friends’ follows suit as this Liverpool singer-songwriter’s third single, carrying on with Anderson’s signature ability in bringing in past echoes yet keeping his music incredibly current and human. Undeniably beautiful, the melody is testament to the rich musical heritage that flows through Liverpool—a city which always seems to know exactly where to pull those heartstrings via a melody.
While most others would fall on beats and production tricks, Anderson leans back into the rich emotional depth of his songwriting. His music resonates with the soul and imbues a sense of warmth and reassurance that lingers long after the song fades out. ‘My Dearest Friends’ feels like one of those songs that could become a well-worn anthem, a song to which people turn in times for rumination, gratitude, and even grief.
Ultimately, ‘My Dearest Friends’ by Reid Anderson seems more like a promise—one of the one thing that will never change no matter how much noise the world makes: that someone out there loves and cares about you, reminding us through this what is ultimately important in our lives. It’s the balm to the soul: quiet reassurance encased in melody and emotion.
You can find more of Reid Anderson at:
You can listen to ‘My Dearest Friends’ below:

Karen Harding is a Melbourne, Australia based singer/songwriter, founder of Sounds On The Couch, and founder and operator of boutique music PR service for emerging and independent artists, Rise Indie.