Cordelia Gartside’s ’27’ Speaks to the Unfairness of Life

Cordelia Gartside

Cordelia Gartside, an indie pop sensation hailing from the vibrant UK music scene. Her single “27”, produced by Sean Woodlock (known for his work with The Comet Is Coming and Cinematic Orchestra), marks a ground-breaking musical experience. We take an exploration into this track’s depths as we unravel its layers of sound and emotion to fully experience “27”.

Beginning with an easy-going drum rhythm and melodic electric guitar chords, Cordelia draws you instantly into her dreamy groove with silky smooth vocals bursting with emotion that glide effortlessly over an instrumental base. As verses progress there’s palpable tension building from Cordelia’s storytelling, as you hang on for the release of the chorus.

“27” doesn’t shy away from its theme of disillusionment – instead it tackles it head-on with 80s synths, overdrive distortion guitar, husky vocals and lyrics that cut like knives to invite Cordelia’s rebellion against life’s injustices and invite you into her fight back with every note as an act of resilience. Each word and note gives power and meaning behind Cordelia’s lyrics – they become part of her experience of resilience.

Cordelia Gartside

Cordelia skilfully writes lyricism that reads like short stories to vividly portray life’s challenges and hardships. Lines like, “My friend’s been going through it / his mum’s a narcissist and I always knew it / and I hate to see it / the way he’s laughing at it / the way he tells his trauma like a joke”, draw you in deep while showing her ability to connect through music.

“27” draws its inspiration from Cordelia’s visit to her teenage hometown, filled with both fond and haunting memories. Cordelia embarks on an emotional journey between nostalgia and disgust that ultimately becomes an examination of trauma–with lyrics exploring universal themes about discovering adulthood with all its consequences – its weight being felt more intensely than anticipated and more deeply felt unfairness than expected.

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Gartside doesn’t shy away from exploring how we all unprepared are for the realities of adulthood – such as decay, pain and our pasts – when life throws them curveballs that threaten their existence and leave us powerless against life’s unpredictable twists – her lyrics capture this powerful emotion while attesting to an unequal system in adulthood that leaves many of us feeling helpless against its harsh realities.

“Cordelia Gartside’s “27” offers an exhilarating voyage through life’s complications. Boasting an anthemic sound, raw lyrics and relatable themes that capture perfectly our shared human experience in three minutes. Join Cordelia as she addresses injustices we all experience with musical support from Cordelia herself. Sing along and let your voice be heard while exploring life through Cordelia’s musical guidance.

You can find more of Cordelia Gartside at:


You can listen to ’27’ below:

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