Latest EP by Alexa Lash Takes Listeners on an Emotional Rollercoaster


Alexa Lash, the Miami-born singer-songwriter, has just released her latest EP titled “Heartbreak in Movements” and boy, is it a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Lash’s stunning and unique vocals move between emotion and raw power with ease, and the songs she has written for this EP connect with listeners on a deeply personal level as they dive into the human experience.

Heartbreak in Movements is a journey through five major feelings associated with heartbreak: disappointment, questioning, bargaining, release, and reminiscence. What sets this EP apart is that it’s an acoustically organic album, recorded in an open room, with the piano and strings being recorded with the waves hitting the air before they hit the microphone. This gives the EP a sense of purity in this digitally-charged generation.

The first track, “Not Fine,” explores heartbreak through the lens of self. The lead line to the chorus, “I’m not fine, I’m just playing pretend. I don’t want to disappoint you while I’m losing myself again,” is a statement on self-criticism, mental health, and a journey to a better understanding of relationships. It’s a powerful song that speaks to Lash’s relationship with music and the part it plays in her healing.

“Weak” directly speaks to emotional toxicity and coming to acceptance with an unhealthy relationship. The song is a coming to terms, a realization, a self-discovery – and ultimately, a chance to move forward. It’s a story of a woman who is questioning the reality of love – “Is this what love’s supposed to feel like?” And after evaluating the moments in the relationship, the way it makes her feel, her answer to that question is a resounding, “No.”

Alexa Lash 'Heartbreak In Movements'

“Miracle” is a portrait of a toxic relationship that is being held together by someone who is fighting the realities of its toxicity. This song lyrically calls back to the first track, “Not Fine,” but was motivated by the need for a “miracle to make it all OK.” It’s about the combination of pain and surrender we face when we’re stuck in something we know isn’t right for us and are bargaining for a way to make it better.

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“Let Her Move On” is a breakup anthem that’s an acknowledgment that a relationship is over, and that “the past serves as the best excuse for why you can’t end up with a woman like me.” This song is an emotional evolution, a display of personal growth.

The long-awaited release of “MIA,” a song Lash originally wrote on the ukulele, is a story of a love that’s long since been over. It’s a mental meandering and a little insight into nostalgic feelings towards a love lost. “Do you ever think of MIA, whenever you’re in NYC? And when you hear a voice like mine on the train sometimes, do you think of me?”

Heartbreak in Movements is a beautifully produced and engineered EP by Ferny Coipel at the Shack North in Hialeah, FL, and mastered by Zach Ziskin. The cover and accompanying art were designed by South Florida-based artist, Jacqueline Lesik.

Heartbreak in Movements is an emotional journey that will leave you feeling raw and exposed. Alexa Lash has poured her heart and soul into these songs, and her stunning vocals and unique style will leave you captivated from start to finish. So, grab your tissues and get ready for a ride through the ups and downs of heartbreak with Heartbreak in Movements by Alexa Lash!

You can find more of Alexa Lash at:


You can listen to ‘Heartbreak In Movements’ below:

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