Eris Justin Brings The Sounds Of Summer To Your Ears With Single, ‘Withyou’


We are joined by Filipino – Puerto Rican, Los Angeles, United States based indie, alternative and soul singer and producer, Eris Justin, in the light on his latest single release, ‘Withyou’.

Inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Ne-yo, Eris Justin creates a signature sound through the fusion of stunning vocal harmonies and his unique melodies.

After a stint with a record label, travelling around the Phillipines on tour, Eris Justin has now returned to the United States and is ready to make his mark on the world.

The latest single by Eris Justin, ‘Withyou’ brings the sound of a summer atmosphere to your ears with a soundscape of vibrant and crisp guitar sounds, a hooky and percussive beat and the warm smooth vocals of Eris.

If you’re like me, in the southern hemisphere and it’s getting colder.. this is a track that is sure to get the warmth rising through you!

You can listen to ‘Withyou’ below:

Would you like to start by telling us a little about yourself?

Hi. I’m Eris Justin and I love making music.

From touring overseas to getting featured on Asian Television and Radio stations to my music getting played on different random public places all over the world, I, an L.A. based singer-songwriter is now back in the country after finishing my stint in the Philippines and getting out of my distribution deal with a Major Label in Asia.

Returning to the scene better than ever with a new and fresh summer tune ‘withyou’, dropping May 6th.

What was it that first inspired you to begin a career in music?

My older brother used to be in a band and they would always practice in our basement for years.

After every session, I would hop on these instruments and imitate whatever they were doing at the time and that’s basically how I learned to play guitar, drums, bass guitar, etc. Getting exposed to music at an early age made me very interested in how people make music.

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That sorta led to me studying music production and taught myself how to produce and write on my own.

How would you describe the feel of your music?

It definitely has the pop vibe to it but the subgenre I would say changed over the years.

When I first started learning music production, most tutorials online are on the hip hop side of music production so I was heavily exposed to the hip hop community and that affected my sound in my early stage.

After experimenting on my own for a few years I would describe my music as indie pop with a little bit of soul.

It usually has a positive feeling to it, like driving down the beach road on a summer sunset with your windows down if you know what I mean.

You have recently released your single, ‘Withyou’.. what was the inspiration behind the creation of this single?

I recently moved to California with my partner a few months back.

We drove across the country. We didn’t know anyone. It’s like starting a whole new chapter in our lives.

I guess that’s the main inspiration.

The feeling of traveling to a whole new environment and figuring things out with someone very special.

It came out pretty naturally.

What does ‘Withyou’ mean to you?

This song means a lot to me as I explore new sounds and production elements.

This is me experimenting and trying new things.

I definitely tried to exceed my expectations vocal-wise.

This is probably my best work up to date.

Of course I have a lot more to come but for now this is definitely my favorite record of mine.

This is new.

What did the creative process look like for ‘Withyou’?

Not that different from my other releases.

I would say I was just a little more inspired than usual that day.

I make a lot of music.

I try to write everyday.

Whether it be melodies.

Or sometimes a whole new song.

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Sometimes I would just come up with some lyrics.

But I try to make music everyday.

This song is one of those days where I was able to start and finish the whole song on that same exact day and I’m very proud of it.

Where do you find your inspiration for your music?

Life experiences.

I try to enjoy life first and actually value my emotions and the way I feel about things.

That has always been my number one priority just because that’s life.

Without the experiences what even is life.

And if you don’t value your experiences, are you actually living or just surviving? 

How has the pandemic affected your release?

It didn’t.

Everything’s online now anyways.

You do interviews remotely.

You send emails.

You go back and forth online when mixing or mastering.

The internet definitely changed the game.

What would you like to see happen for you in your music from here?

Hopefully generate more fans all over the world.

I am recently trying to expand my demographics.

I have a lot more songs coming and the goal is to keep growing my community after each and every single release.

What is one message you would like to share with your fans?

I would like to thank each and every one of you who listen to my music.

You guys definitely made my dream come true.

I’m grateful that we can share moments so easily and I can feel connected to my listeners through the music I create and that just blows my mind.

Where can people find your music?

Spotify. Apple Music. Amazon Music. Youtube. Any digital streaming platform.

Wherever you like to stream music.

Thank you.

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