A Moment with Piper Grant: Inspiring Interview with 14 year old Emerging Artist


I would like to introduce to you, an exciting and emerging artist, based in New Zealand, Piper Grant. Piper is just 14 years old, however I have never met a young artist that is so determined and knows what she wants as much as she does.

Piper’s passion is to share meaningful messages through her music that can provoke thought and inspire her listeners.

As well as her passion for music, Piper travels to Australia every winter to facilitate natural horsemanship programs for at risk and struggling teenagers.

Below is the interview with Piper Grant.. I hope you enjoy!

Would you like to start by telling us a little about yourself?

Yeah, hey! I’m Piper Grant and I’m a singer/songwriter from New Zealand. I’m fourteen, and I’ve been home-schooled all my life. I’m currently based in Australia, with the hopes of returning to NZ as soon as I can get an MIQ spot.

What was it that first inspired you to begin a career in music?

I believe it was my father blasting Meatloaf from the car speakers every time we went on a road trip together. It began when I was about five, and he still does it. I remember sitting in the back of the car listening to ‘The Cat People’ and getting shivers and imagining I was dressed in a spectacular gown singing it on stage. It then turned into a realisation of ‘my voice hasn’t matured just yet, I can’t sing songs like that just yet, so I guess I’ll have to write my own songs.’

You are New Zealand based, but you travel to Australia regularly… Would you like to share about the work you do when you come to Australia?

 Australia is where my Mother & I both thrive. My Father and younger brother love New Zealand. Here in Australia, I facilitate Horse Wisdom Programs for at-risk youth, veterans that have served their time, families and individuals. We work on the property of Alane Millions, who is the owner and founder of Leading the Way International. We have eleven gorgeous conscious horses who we consider as our ‘co-facilitators.’ It’s an amazing experience for the people who come through the gate to partake, and it’s a beautiful experience for us who run the programs.

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Visit Conscious Kids Academy or Leading the Way International on Facebook if you’d like to stay in the loop.

How has COVID-19 impacted your music?

I’ll be honest, it hasn’t done a single thing to my music. If anything, it has given me more time to sit down and learn everything I wanted to learn but I never had the time. Like I said in question 1 – I am home-schooled, so isolation etc hasn’t been much of a stark difference from my original way of life!

If you had an opportunity to collaborate with any artist that ever lived, who would you work with and why?

I would work with Joni Mitchell. I think if I did this questionnaire again in five months time, the answer could be different, but I am in awe of Joni Mitchell’s songwriting abilities and the messages she portrayed and to collaborate with her would be a dream.

How would you describe the feel of your music?

Genre wise, I would describe it as a mix between Folk/Singer-Songwriter/Pop/Indie. It ranges depending on how I feel when I sing that song.

However, the ‘feel’ of my music has been described as dreamy, light, meaningful, and calming.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs?

I am inspired by people, places, times, things and events. I am also drawn to storytelling. A few weeks ago I was walking along a little way up on a hillside that follows a beach and I looked down to see a couple completely in love. They stood ankle high in the water hugging for fifteen minutes. Those are the sort of things I get inspired by – the innocence and purity of certain aspects in life.

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Do you have a release on the horizon? Would you like to tell us about what is coming up?

I have just released a single on Spotify through Play it Strange – a NZ organisation that encourages kids to get their music out there. I was a finalist in their 2021 Youthtown Songwriting Competition and I was awarded a sum of money to go towards recording my song. It was then released with all the other finalist’s songs on their annual album!

I also have an official release of my debut single coming up on October 1st, and I am over the moon to be able to share it with the world. The song means a lot to me, and I believe the message relates to people.

What would success in music look like for you?

Success is a funny thing. Right now, I see my biggest success as knowing my song brought emotion and feeling to someone’s life for a moment. If someone tells me they listened to my song and felt different emotions, or it brought up a memory, or they related to it, that is my biggest success.

Eventually, success will be going on tour or singing live in front of many people, and to earn an income from my music. But I am fourteen – I have plenty of time.

What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learnt along the way?

I have learnt to be humble, stay kind, and Know Thyself. Treat everyone with respect. The music industry is a tough one, and everyone is trying to find their way to the best of their ability.

You can find Piper’s music at:

Instagram – www.instagram.com/pipergrantmusic

Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qfvQT8cmcjHMw71dCvM6J?si=eB-V-QmqSX2h8mcuJRB-aQ

Soundcloud – www.soundcloud.com/pipergrantmusic

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One Reply to “A Moment with Piper Grant: Inspiring Interview with 14 year old Emerging Artist”

  1. Hi, Piper! I know your mom and dad and have been able to follow your journey through your mom’s FB posts. I’m so proud of you and will continue to be a big fan from all the way over here in Florida, USA!

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